The Raspberry Pi is a small single-board computer that first appeared in 2012, with the intention of providing an inexpensive platform to introduce students and other interested parties to computers in general and to programming in particular. Since its first appearance, the Raspi went through several hardware revisions, and the present incarnation, model 3, appeared in February 2016. But beyond the CPU, the Raspberry Pi sports a video processor that can display videos at full-HD resolution (1920 × 1080) via the built-in HDMI-connector. The CPU and peripherals are adequate for using a Raspi as media center via the OpenElec distribution, which runs the KODI media center software and turns a dumb TV into a smart TV. Python is a modern programming language that is installed on any Raspi by default. Actually, the Pi in Raspberry Pi stands for Python Interpreter. Mysql includes Python and, after some archaeology on the Internet, octave as well.