This chapter discusses two narratives taken from survivors' testimonies whose themes, angles, and even tone are quite different from dominant media narratives. The narratives are Two Aliens in Cross-Cultural War and Salvation by Hospitable Communists. Survivors' testimonies about No Gun Ri prove that human memories are faltering, discrepant, even conflicting with one another in specific recollections. In the media's No Gun Ri account, whereas veterans are vocal in elaborating their fears, survivors' testimonies are rarely used to illustrate their "legitimate fears." This continuous silencing of the civilians' voices is the most noticeable aspect found in the media's account of the No Gun Ri story. By treating survivors as supporting witnesses, the US media obscured some critical narratives embedded in the survivors' memories. The hegemonic narrative, "Ill-equipped troops' unfortunate mistake," has left little room for a possible counter-narrative: "No Gun Ri could be one of many.".