This chapter explains different but complementary versions of the disappearance and uncanny resurrection of Francisco Franco, produced some thirty years apart. The death of Dictator Franco on 20 November 1975 continues to fascinate Spaniards. The ninth season of the most prestigious and durable TV drama in contemporary Spain, Cuentame como paso treated the death of Franco and its immediate aftermath. A sometime film critic and television writer under the regime before he achieved success as a novelist, Fernando Vizcaino Casas practised as a lawyer, specializing in the entertainment industry. The emotional investment of spectators, caught between the represented past and the viewing present, is intense. Confirming the petite histoire focus on continuing importance of the everyday even at moments of momentous historical change, the Francoist father of Juana la Loca has died that night. The sympathy and empathy of viewers earned by the central characters Antonio Roig and Merche privilege their perspectives over those of the wide but ephemeral supporting cast.