The three-act comedy L'Amant mystérieux and the one-act pastorale Les Courses de Tempe, the better known and better of Piron's two plays in this genre, were first performed together at the Théâtre Français on 30 August 1734. Les Courses de Tetnpé, performed second, was much appreciated; L'Amant mystérieux failed. Despite the radically different fortunes of these two plays, an interesting feature of the double bill is that they do, have a number of thematic features in common. The central mystery of L'Amant mystérieux is announced by the title: why does the lover Valère behave so oddly? He is clearly besotted with his beloved Isabelle, yet is determined to keep her identity secret. While the title of L'Amant mystérieux simply tells us there will be a mystery that of Les Courses de Tempé provides a mystery of its own. It is the actions of Thémire which, provide the mystery that dominates the first half of Les Courses de Tempe.