Bernardin's letters to Hennin show a growing frustration that his work, which, as he saw it, he was doing on behalf of his country, had not been properly recognized, and there seemed little prospect of a secure future. He was still dependent on the gratifications dispensed by the king through his ministers, and his friendship with both Hennin and the Mesnards was clearly important in this respect. But Bernardin had his pride, and 1780 showed to what extent he was prepared to let it affect his judgement. By the end of August 1783 Bernardin writes to inform Hennin that he has now finished nine of the 'cahiers' of the Etudes and that just three remain to be completed. He estimates that he needs a further month to complete the work and asks Hennin to approach M. Lenoir for the name of a censor to whom he can give the texts already completed.