In 1859 Anne Thackeray Ritchie was invited to become, first a contributor, then the editor, of a newly founded monthly publication to which he gave the title The Cornhill Magazine. Thackeray recounts what he knows or surmises about the murder of Count Philip von Konigsmarck, the disreputable lover of the future English king's wife, and the banishment of that wife. Though George sought to live the life of an English gentleman, there were Germans around the court and the royal household; it was Mme Thielke who 'brought the royal nightcap', a routine even more stultifying than that which characterized George II's proceedings at Hanover. On the 12th August, 1762, the forty-seventh anniversary of the accession of the House of Brunswick to the English throne, all the bells in London pealed in gratulation, and announced that an heir to George III, was born.