This chapter examines interventions at different levels; and looks at some factors that may help or hinder the efficacy of multi-level interventions: preparation, programme, and implementation, sustainability, evaluation, and generalizability and impact. Interventions at the individual pupil level could be targeted at victims, bullies, or at bystanders. E. Menesini has referred to the 'individual by context' phenomenon, whereby pupils may be differentially affected by an intervention. Besides some formative evaluation while an intervention is ongoing, to give feedback and provide opportunities for updating, some summative evaluation is vitally important when a new programme is being developed and offered more widely. M. L. Ybarra et al. argue that getting the perceptions of students about bullying prevention programmes 'provides opportunities to craft prevention programme content that better speaks to the experiences and concerns that youth have'. The chapter also presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in this book.