In the mid-1990s, French, German, Italian, and Spanish typically had a solid foundation in departments around the world with researchers working in linguistics, culture, history and literature. Mads Rosendahl Thomsen (MRT) Postcolonialism and world literature are two big paradigms that relate to comparative literature and ways of framing literary studies beyond the nation. If, as gender scholars claim, literature itself has participated both in the maintenance and interrogation of patriarchal scales of value, then this needs to be foregrounded in the world literature discussion. Stefan Helgesson Migration is where globalization and the aftermath of decolonization frequently intersect. The difference between capital and province has been reduced in many countries thanks to education and communication. The experience of the migrant carries with it that cultural divide that makes its mark in the stories. A MRT Literature is essentially amazing because it relies solely on language and thus brings people as closely to the thoughts of others as possible.