2In a documentary on the music of the Beach Boys, Mike Love said that the making of the song “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” took many hours of work on the part of band members to get the sound just right. He referred to the time and energy devoted to that project as a labor of love. Much the same can be said about the making of this book. As co-editors, we did everything we could to get it right, at first by assembling a group of chapter authors who are well known for their subject matter expertise, and, as the project evolved, making certain that the book was organized in a manner that was informative and engaging. Every author contributed many days and hours of effort saying what needed to be said about their subject matter, and for all of us this is a subject that is near and dear. Each of us who contributed to this book has devoted years of work pertinent to the subject matter on which we reported, and that devotion is evident in the depth to which each has addressed their subject. In that sense, this book has been a labor of love for all involved, and we hope it is informative and helpful to all who take the time to read it.