Major factors contribute towards status differentiation in the village community of Shamirpet. They are: religion, caste, land ownership, government service, age, and distinctive personality traits. In Shamirpet four levels denoting different standards of living are vaguely recognized by the villagers. They are: rich, well-to-do, average, and poor. Similarly expenditure on feasts and ceremonies is proportionately higher in the two upper levels and lower in the poorer sections. The chapter examines the division of labour and differences in diet on the four levels of living in the community. The standard of living of a family is judged very often from the quality and quantity of its food. The following menus will illustrate the kind of food eaten by families at different economic levels: rich and well-to-do, average families, and poor families. The visible manifestations of family's standard of living are: type of dwelling and household possessions, clothing and ornaments, nature of work done by the members of the family and diet.