In this chapter, Barbara Barrett looks to her personal life and career to discuss eight lessons in leadership for anyone seeking to hold a board member or C-suite position. She advises aspiring leaders to pursue education and involvement to the highest level available. Citing her experiences transcending the fields of education, government, and space, she discusses the learning experiences and volunteer work that continuously opened new possibilities for achievement in her career. Barrett also places heavy emphasis on developing meaningful relationships with everyone, including those whose goals and interests differ. These relationships have proven to add meaning, value, and professional advantage to her endeavors. Barrett suggests that leaders should map their journey, as a way to track how one thing leads to another when planning for the future. Barrett references The Ten Traits That Make Nonprofits Great (Foss, 2014) in her seventh lesson as a resource for defining success and speaks to the importance of pursuing adventure and curiosity in her eighth. Barrett points to these strategies and their application to her career as proof of her philosophy that life is what you make of it.