These widely known and widely beloved friends left us on Saturday last, in the steamer Cambria, for Liverpool.13 Heaven give them a speedy and prosperous passage, and grant them a safe return home in the course of the next year! They need no credentials, no letters of introduction, on the other side of the Atlantic. Their names, services and talents are known by all in England, Scotland, and Ireland, who take any interest in the cause of emancipation here, or who are familiar with what is going on in the musical world. Their reception, we do not doubt, will be kind, cordial, and enthusiastic. In every respect, they are deserving of the confidence, esteem and hospitality of our British friends. Sorry are we, with a great multitude also, to part with them, even for a twelvemonth; but, remembering that ‘the field is the world,’ and that they are not to be idle in it, but, if possible, more active and efficient than ever, we are reconciled to the separation. They will create a sensation, we opine, before their return.