Elementary books, containing moral lessons in prose and poetry and written by authors of established reputation, were taught to beginners. A few rules of arithmetic, which are of essential importance to men in their daily life were sometimes included in the study. In the North-Western Provinces and Oudh, and the Panjab, English education has hither to made very little progress, and they stand in great need of primary and secondary education. Now, if we turn to the results of examinations, the same report that 77 scholars had passed from colleges, 258 from high schools, and 24,001 from primary schools, in 1880-81. In Hindi schools no great attention was paid to Hindi literature. The endeavour was confined to the acquisition of the degree of proficiency which might enable the students to put in writing, in Nagri character, the words just as they fall from the mouth. The schools may be allowed the freedom of retaining their own languages, subjects, text-books.