The first mention of a ‘St. Stephen’s College’ in Delhi occurs in the Report of the Delhi Mission of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in 1864. This branch of the Society’s work had been opened in 1854, at the instance of the Rev. M. J. Jennings, Chaplain of Delhi; it had been completely swept away by the storm of the Mutiny, but had been promptly refounded in 1859. The external demand on the Mission to found a college, then, was definite enough. Internally the question was naturally approached with some hesitation. In May, 1879, the committee in Cambridge had invited Winter ‘to admit the Cambridge missionaries to a share in the work of St. Stephen’s High School,’ and in response Winter had agreed, on behalf of the S.P.G., that the Brotherhood should undertake the management not only of the High School but also of its branches.