This chapter reviews different examples of sustained programmes of government support to participatory enabling approaches to procurement of affordable urban housing, services and infrastructure by lowest income groups. The basic unit of management of the programme was a Community Development Council, a community-based non-governmental organisation (NGO) in each slum or shanty settlement that was expected to have a locally recognised leadership and management structure. A fundamental principle that underpinned community participation in house building and neighbourhood infrastructure development was the importance of regular household saving. The implementation of the programme was firmly based on participation and the coordination of favela communities, the relevant public service authorities and NGO, working with each favela community. Oshakati, capital of the relatively densely populated Owambo Region is located a few kilometres south of Namibia's border with Angola. Most urban low-income community organisations only come together in an organised way in response to particular crises or opportunities that are recognised by the community at large.