There are three main symptom categories of sex negativity: sexual guilt and shame, sexual dysfunctions and dissatisfaction, and problematic sexual behaviors. Research and personal accounts reveal that certain negative experiences among Christians are symptoms of the wider culture of sex-negativity that promotes the myth of “sexual purity.” This has resulted in the so-called “purity movement” that has devastated many Christians and created significant guilt. It has been destructive as well to those who do not fit within the heteronormative, married Christian sexual ideal, creating shame and alienation. Through selective readings and interpretations of biblical texts it encourages the abuse of non-heterosexual and non-binary people. Within this religious/cultural turmoil, sexual dysfunctions and dissatisfaction play out including problematic behaviors that can be dangerous. Unplanned sexual activity, personal disempowerment and the epidemic of so-called “sex addiction,” can contribute to coercion, sexual abuse, and sexual crimes.