Buganda Kingdom’ (n.d.) 35 Harry Johnston, Uganda Protectorate, Ordinance No. 8 of 1902, ‘King’s

African Ri es’ (1902) 47 British Mandates for the Cameroons, Togoland and East Afr ica (1923) 77 ‘Agreement between Her Britannic Majesty’s Government and the

Government of Her Highness the Khedive of Egypt, relative to the Future Administration of the Soudan’ (1899) 83

D. Gwyther Moore, ‘Notes on the Legislation of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan’ (1924) 87

Frederick D. Lugard, ‘Correspondence relating to the Amalgamation of Northern and Southern Nigeria’ (1913) 91

‘Series “A” Minutes. Conference of Governors of the East African Dependences Possibility of Further Co-ordination of Policy in the East African Dependencies’ (1926) 119

Devonshire Declaration, Indians in Kenya (1923) 135 Letter from the Kabaka of Buganda to Sir G. Archer (27 September

1926) 153 Letter from Sir G. Archer to Sir S. Wilson (5 January 1927) 155 Native Courts Regulations, East Africa (1903) 157 Tanganyika Territory. Native Administration Memoranda No II. Native

Courts (1930) 173 J. L. Ma ey, Minutes from the Governor-General of Sudan,

‘Devolution in Native Administration’ (1 January 1927) 203 Petition Against the Appointment and Deposition of Chiefs Bill (1930) 207

Uganda Secretary of Native Parliament: Dismissal of Yusufu Bamuta, Dispatches and Correspondence (1929) 225

Sir Donald Cameron, Address by His Excellency the Governor (6 March 1933) 239

Instructions Passed to the Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Uganda Protectorate (1920) 251

Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Administration of Justice in Kenya, Uganda, and the Tanganyika Territory in Criminal Matters (1934) 263

East Afr ica Protectorate. Correspondence relating to the Flogging of Natives by Certain Europeans at Nairobi (1907) 277

Colony of Natal. Report of an Offi cial Enquiry into the Prison System of the Colony (1907) 323

Despatch fr om the Governor of Sierra Leone Reporting on the Measures Adopted to Deal with Unlawful Societies in the Protectorate (1913) 357

Letter from Herbert J. Taylor to Chief Native Commissioner’s O ce, Bulawayo (4 November 1904) 373

Letter from Sir W. H. Milton to H. Fox-Wilson (22 July 1904) 377 ‘Police. Ordinance No. 6 of 1894. An Ordinance relating to the Civil

Police of the Gold Coast Colony’ (1894) 383 Lord Hailey, ‘Law and Justice in Africa’ (1937) 399

Editorial Notes 403