Michael Goldwasser's 'Easy Star All-Stars' is basically the house band for Easy Star Records. This chapter shows how do one situate Pink Floyd and Dark Side of the Moon within the world of Jamaican music and culture in general, and reggae and ska in particular? Remembering that Jamaica was a British colony until just over 40 years ago, and the British influence is still there. Also, many of the lyrical concepts of the album are universal life, death, time, money, war, insanity. On a musical level, yes, there are many differences between British rock and Jamaican reggae, but ultimately, it's all just music. If one do it well, people from all backgrounds will respond. While most of the Jamaican artists who performed on the album had never heard the stuff before, they all really appreciated the Pink Floyd version when they played it for them. How do one might think Dub Side of the Moon engages Pink Floyd's Dark Side?