The inadequacy of the classic descriptions and analyses becomes especially clear when we tackle the question of exegetical method in doctrinal debate. On the whole in trying to characterise patristic exegesis, attention has been paid, not to use of the Bible in debate, but to methods used in scriptural exposition as such, in treatise, commentary or homily. As a practical acknowledgement of the complexity of task of describing or analysing exegetical methods, let us begin by simply observing a particular debate. A few important studies have noted the appeal to scripture in the Arian controversy, and explored the general place of scriptural authority in doctrinal debate. Scriptural exegetes sought meaning and truth in their texts just as literary exegetes did in classical texts. It is a doctrinal debate, but interestingly focuses on the question of the real meaning of a key text. The ensuing discussion proves yet again that doctrinal debate cannot be said to have produced a greater "literalism".