Some points of Pliny's report stand in little need of fresh exegesis. After an introductory prayer formula spoken by Pliny himself. Pliny has had placed with the statues of the gods. The rite is the well-known act of supplicatio. Originally this had taken the form of a special obsecratio or gratulatio that was addressed to the gods by decree of the senate at a time of national emergency or rejoicing. As it is clear from Pliny that Christians had to venerate not only the imperial image but also the statues of the gods, full prostration is likely to have been the version required by Pliny. Beyond the rites themselves Pliny's account leaves various issues in doubt. Nothing of the sort is mentioned in connection with Pliny's examination of the Christians, so one must assume that here the term is used loosely to refer to representations of the gods that served as substitutes for cult idols.