From this time forward Cloudesley applied his principal attention to the education of his ward. It was his resolution that Julian should not be the son of disappointment; and he therefore determined that he should be bred in profound ignorance of his real parentage. He was to be brought up as the son of an English yeoman, who, with means sufficient for content and abundance, had fixed his residence in Italy; and he was never to know any other father / than Cloudesley, unless a new and truer career in the vicissitudes of human life should be opened to him under the most auspicious circumstances. There did not exist in Italy, any other person acquainted with his real origin, except Cloudesley and Eudocia; and she was accustomed in all matters of primary importance to conform implicitly to the will of her husband. It was therefore entirely in the power of his protector, to save Julian from that ambiguous character and fortune, which his affectionate guardian justly regarded with indescribable horror.