The scenes I have mentioned occurred five years before the time when Julian took up his residence in Florence. But the princess Violante lived till the year 1731; and, even after her death, the tone which she had inspired into the best society there, for a long time survived the accomplished personage to whom it was indebted for its existence. Bernardino had in no wise decreased in powers or popularity, either when Julian arrived at Florence, being then ten / years of age, or for several winters following. The English boy had heard repeatedly of the fame of the exhibitions of the improvvisatore; and he intreated his protector to allow him the gratification of being present. The indulgence was attended with no difficulty. The mode was for the grand duke or any of the principal nobility to grant to Bernardino for the occasion the use of a hall in their palace, and all who were admitted to the entertainment paid at entering a piece of money at the door.