Having thus begun, I know not to what extravagance I might have proceeded, had it not chanced that, just at this instant, the young Montagus and their servants passed along in the road below. They were surprised at seeing me thus; they were alarmed at the vehemence and outrageousness of my gestures. I was alone with Henrietta. They alighted; and, accompanied by their servants, hastened across a field, which lay between the road and the foot-path where we stood. I perceived them. By one of those sudden changes to which madness is often liable, the frame of my mind became / totally altered. I in some way anticipated impediment and restraint from their arrival. I fled with the rapidity of lightning; and, knowing where I had left my horses and my groom, was on my saddle in a moment. The groom, who, as I have said, had his instructions from Holloway, was aware how dangerous it would be to the purposes of my guardian, if, while suffering under an attack of frenzy, I fell into the hands of the Montagus, and seconded my purpose of escape with all his diligence.