344 [Nothing could be farther from Mr Tyrrel’s intention than to suffer his project to be thus terminated.] No sooner was he wholly freed from the fear of his housekeeper’s interference, than he changed the whole system of his conduct. He ordered miss Melvile to be closely confined to her own apartment, and deprived of all the means of communicating her situation to any one out of his own house. He placed over her a female servant in whose discretion he could confide, and who, having formerly been honoured with 345 [some] amorous notices from the squire, considered the distinctions that were paid to Emily at Tyrrel Place as an usurpation upon her more 346 [reasonable claims.] The squire himself did / every thing in his power to blast the young lady’s reputation, and represented to his attendants all these precautions as necessary, to prevent her from eloping to his neighbour, and plunging herself in total ruin.