Robert of Sicily, brother of Pope Urbane and of Valmond, Emperor of Allemaine, on one occasion, authors are told by Longfellow, found himself benighted and in an unpleasant predicament. This mediaeval King, Despoiled of his magnificent attire, Bare-headed, breathless, and besprent with mire, With sense of wrong and outrage desperate, Strode on and thundered at his palace gate. And the uncrowned Emperor of France was in even worse plight, save that he had his hat on, and did not expect to find a usurper reigning in his stead when he reached St. Cloud. Arizona Jim, who regarded Honorine as a sacred curiosity, but whose whole heart went out to the lively English girl, sought Evelyn at a late hour to ascertain if there were any news of his master's whereabouts. Jerome opened his eyes, fighting now against an overpowering desire for sleep. Jim surveyed the exhausted millionaire with the quiet pride that a father might feel in a precocious son.