The Emperors' families, in the days of Rome, thus sat hidden behind the curtains of the amphitheatre to watch the contests in the arena of the circus. The Comtesse knew that two she-cats could not be left tied up in a small sack with so safe a prediction of clawing, as these two ladies now, in that rich hall, stately with classic chiselling, and the wealth of nations. Ribou and the Comtesse exchanged an anxious glance. This talk was somewhat plain for the ears of Evelyn. Evelyn had no intention to go. The Comtesse de Fontainebleau sat nearer the door of entrance. Vansittart was pacing from end to end of a long room at the Grand Hotel, while Ribou drove back to Paris. His arms were crossed on his chest, and his head drooped forward and downward. He was alone, and his heart was doing battle with its longings.