Our hero visited by Mr. Whiffy Whirligig and Mr. Timothy Tattle. –Whirligig's obsequious attention to the ladies. – His learned and wise remarks upon dresses. – His history of fashions. – Timmy Tattle's account of the frailties, defects, and misfortunes of his various neighbours. – Of his own intimacy with Lord Lifeguard, and credit with rich bankers. – Of the many compliments paid to his horse. – Who and who are together, who are become bankrupts, &c. – Whiffy opens the purpose of his visit. – His account of the arduous task of the master of the ceremonies at a ball. – His high praise of the famous Beau Nash as a sublime genius, – His criticisms on Pope and Sir Isaac Newton. –Timmy Tattle's Praises of Eliza and Able Hard. – History of the Ball. –Awfulness of preparations for a country-dance. – Digression upon the best places for criticism on dress. – Miss Biddy Brainless calls a dance.