During the first year after their marriage the Major and his lady resided chiefly at Tay Bank and Loch Castle, the residence of Mr. Longhead, though occasionally at the country town where their regiment was quartered. Both their fathers and brother grew daily more attached to Emily, and, if possible, to the Major himself. The mutual endearments of the new married couple increased their mutual affection; their more thorough knowledge of each other's disposition and character, strengthened reciprocal esteem and admiration. The child was christened by his maternal grandfather, and received the name of Charles Douglas, in honour of his paternal. The old gentleman had insisted, that Tay Bank should be the headquarters of his name son; where, however, Mr. Longhead almost daily saw him, and had him often as an inmate of the parsonage-house of Loch Castle. Under the care of his grandfathers and uncle, our hero throve apace; they all three doated on him.