The Church of England has for men bishoprics, archbishoprics, and a little work (good men make a great deal for themselves). Many women would willingly give her their life's work. Luther gave us 'faith', justification by faith, as he calls it; and the Church of Rome gives us 'works'. But the Church of England gives us neither faith nor works. The Church of England said, 'don't use your own judgment', and she remained unquestioned; but then people began to see that in the Church some maintained the doctrine of baptismal regeneration, and some did not. The Church of England did not tell them, or, at least, it told them different and contradictory things, and they had recourse to a stricter authority. In the same way, the moralization of the Church of England led to the Church of Rome. All history is an example to us how nations decline when seated in their easy chairs.