This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book considers the field of research, namely healing, and the establishing of the ground or the space on/in which the understanding of healing particular to this study can play. The development of a reading perspective or hermeneutic will be shaped by both the location/context of this particular reader and the scope of the topic as established by the understanding of healing. The book explores the multidisciplinary and interactive hermeneutical and methodological approach established in the first, women healing/healing women in the Graeco-Roman world. This is the world in which women healing within early and emerging Christianity is located and in which it can be analyzed and understood. The book examines women healing within the synoptic gospels. A feminist, post-colonial, ecological hermeneutic will inform the multifaceted methodological approach combining literary, socio-cultural, and material readings of Christian texts.