Every cyberspace entrepreneur needs to duplicate and package disks. There are many occasions when it is necessary or preferable to distribute material physically on a floppy rather than to send it winging in virtual form through cyberspace. The CD-ROM is the high profile physical form for cyberspace projects, mainly those requiring very large files of data or multimedia features. When CD-ROMs are part of the media mix for cyberspace venture, one's must budget for significantly large production runs, which puts one's back into the physical handicaps and cost structures of conventional print publishing. There are better prospects for digital video on CD, which could become a major medium for cyberspace entrepreneurs. Horoscopes Online Astrological forecasting – long a staple of syndication services in print publishing – are proving a viable business in cyberspace. Some services charge a fee for personalised readings, but there are also many sites that offer free information and downloadable software.