In this chapter, the reader is introduced to:

the simple source, source of spherical waves and fundamental building block for acoustical analysis;

the dipole source, directional properties and modes of generation;

the quadrupole source, its various forms, directional properties and some modes of generation;

line sources and their uses for modelling;

the piston in an infinite wall, far–field and near–field properties, radiation load, and uses for modelling;

the incoherent plane radiator;

directional properties of sources and the concept of directivity;

effects of reflection;

radiation impedance of a source and what influences it;

the relation between sound power and sound pressure;

radiation field, near field and far field of a sound source;

sound power determination using sound intensity measurements, surface vibration measurements and sound pressure measurements, both in the laboratory and in the field; and

some uses of sound power information.