This chapter provided an overview of the assessment of assistive technology (AT) for individuals with cognitive impairments. This chapter discussed application of guiding theories to cognitive evaluation and treatment with particular regard to AT, reviewed members of the interdisciplinary assessment team and described each discipline's assessment protocol, and provided an example of a collaborative program. In particular, this chapter introduced a multidisciplinary program that was developed to better manage the functional deficits of individuals with mild to moderate cognitive impairment. The aim of the program is to provide function-based, compensatory interventions with an AT focus. The program capitalizes on the expertise of multiple scopes of practice collaborating as a team to provide assessment and individualized treatment to improve individual outcomes and work toward individual autonomy. The program highlights patient-focused care and integration of disciplines to provide an individualized assessment of cognitive strengths and weaknesses and to identify a unique and tailored treatment approach that emphasizes collaboration and incorporating the individual's family and support system in the process. AT measures and techniques are selected based on individuals’ preference and comfort with technology and knowledge of environmental considerations and supports.