The subject of this chapter, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), is closely intertwined with issues of climate change, human global population increase, and human food insecurity. There are several policymaking issues related to GMOs, as discussed in this chapter. Commencing the chapter is an overview of the prevalence of GMO products in the U.S. and globally. In the U.S. policies on GMO, food products are vested with the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1906. Globally, the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety of 2003 is the principal GMO policy. Also summarized are the GMO policies of the EU, China, and India. The policy issues include sociopolitical considerations such as international trade of GMO food products, cultural impacts of GMO agricultural products on traditional methods of farming, and freedom of information concerning food labeling of products containing GMO ingredients. In particular, the subject of product labeling has become a vigorous kerfuffle in the U.S. and Europe.