Does It Actually Lead to Better Employees or Happier Employees? .................................................................185 A Guide to How to Oer is at Your Company .........................187 Building a Team of Professionals ...................................................188 Timeline and Process ....................................................................189 Tips for the Employer ...................................................................189 Tips for Human Resource or Training Personnel ..........................190 Tips for All Speakers ..................................................................... 191 Best Practices for a Professional to Develop a Speaking Team ...... 191 Best Practices for Financial Professional ....................................... 192 Best Practices for the Attorney ...................................................... 192 Best Practices for the Realtor-Mortgage Broker Team ................. 193 Best Practices for a Tax Speaker .................................................... 193 Best Practices for the Employee .................................................... 194 e Future for Financial Education in the Workplace .................. 194

the person has knowledge about asset allocation, investing, or nancial products. In fact, the people who typically know more about these areas have gained that knowledge either from personal interest in the subject or they have had an actual class in the subject. I attended a very well respected private Jesuit college, Santa Clara University, and earned a BS in commerce with an emphasis in nance. How many required classes about investing or personal nance was I required to take? None. is may have changed since, but at the time I attended there was an elective class in personal nance-but nothing was required. We did economics that touched on personal nancial decisions, but that was all. Most classes were about corporate nance. In fact, until I got into the nancial services profession, the only educational exposure I truly received about anything nancial was a few days in high school on checking accounts and budgets. Today’s nancial reality in our nearly pension-less society is that the employee is on his own for his nancial future yet receives no training on nancial matters.