This chapter is the concluding chapter to the study of digital narratives that undocumented youth have recently published on YouTube in order to protest against a life in the shadows in the U.S., regulated by societal norms and legislations, during the Obama administration period. It concludes the project, positioning the digital testimonio as product of mediatization and a re-formation of the traditional Latin American genre that results in an up-to-date expression of political protest across actual as well as imaginary borders. In their narratives, undocumented youth perform their dispossession through the multimodal languages of new media. They illustrate emotions, ‘show’ the viewer parts of their lives, rely on the testimonial tradition of their countries of origins, mock social hierarchies and moral judgments, and establish themselves as an active voice of the contemporary Immigrant Rights Movement in the U.S. Storytelling, in sum, becomes the core of mediatized political protest.