Life 'takes place' as care and Dasein makes things as a concerned mortal. Care sways Dasein to await, notice and anticipate the 'speaking' of the place and, therefore, the art of care creates the conditions for the art of place to be meaningful. The art of care draws Dasein's lived situation into contiguity with its 'there' as a spatio-temporal region of concern, located between earth and sky, taking place between birth and death. Care suggests that place is not only a topological structure between earth and sky, but exists in time as a region of concern determined by Dasein's concerned measure-taking. The art of care highlights the architectural implications of the way people always already live in the world; the concerned nature of dwelling in a life–care–place totality. In a general sense, the concepts of care and place, engages with the presuppositions of any architectural poiesis, and refers to both 'construction' and 'design'.