Quality assurance managers regard debriefing as part of the quality control process. Furthermore, quality-based standards, such as International Organization for Standardization and Capability Maturity Model Integration, demand single-loop and double-loop learning integrated into major processes as projects. Plan–Do–Check–Act Models, Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC), Gemba walks, and quality audits are all different types of quality-based processes that belong to a large group of such processes. The names of the DMAIC stages closely resemble debriefing and learning lessons as they have the same purpose: improvement, enabling us to prevent recurring faults, and repeat success. Closely examining preventive actions may lead to learning lessons, in addition to the usual task assignment. Root core analysis also may generate lessons". Gemba walks produce lessons that assist in improving the manufacturing processes. Lessons that can be derived from the recommendations should be regarded as lessons learned from other formal and informal debriefing processes.