An incorrectly or sloppily formatted script makes a terrible first impression – and writers don't always get a chance for a second one. Fortunately, there are many script formatting apps available for purchase, download or use straight to and from the cloud. Like all script format elements, there are some rules and conventions for writing action that help everyone make sense of what they're reading. Some writers also capitalize specific actions or objects that are important to the story. Note that viewers can't see thoughts or feelings; they can only see how those manifest in action and dialog – in other words, how they get externalized on-screen. Two useful and important parentheticals are "Voiceover" (VO) and "Off-Screen" (OS). VO is when a character or narrator's voice is heard, though the speaker is not part of the scene. The parenthetical is a direction or a bit of action that appears directly under the character name and above the dialog.