Throughout the past decades, the utilization of information and communication technology (ICT) has been escalating by making people’s lives and work much more efficient or effective, however, it has also been greatly exploited. ICT has been continuously advancing but problems and questions of these technologies harming our environment negatively are also rising. ICT refers to any technological devices that allow the access to information through telecommunication, while information system (IS) can go by the description as a computer system which has elements that collects, creates, stores, processes, and disseminates with a feedback mechanism (Leu et al., 2015; 2017). IS is widely used in government organizations, private organizations, or businesses. It can perform business processes such as data storage, corporate website, corporate e-mail, customer transactions 254processing, finance, accounting, payments processing, payroll processing, sales, marketing, and office tools such as Words and Excel. Subsequently, green information and communication technology (green ICT) designates to minimize the harm that ICT is causing to the environment by making ICT sustainable, waste less energy, disposing it appropriately, using it efficiently, and making it last longer. It is important for users to be aware of green ICT to make the world a sustainable place as global warming or the climate change is rising. It is undeniable that the world is becoming too reliant on technology where most fields are using it (Susanto, 2018; Susanto et al., 2018; Almunawar, 2015; 2018b). Efficiency and effectiveness are achieved through the use of ISs when compared to the past. For example, in a supermarket business equipped with a cash register system with barcode scanning function technology, things would be easy when there is no price tag as cashier can simply scan the barcode to obtain the price, while comparing to the old method, where staff needs to find out the price through the higher management or a recorded system, be it a separate computer or through a book where price is kept. This traditional process causes inconvenience to the customers and also increases the inefficiency in the workplace (Susanto, 2016a; 2016b).