The number of jobs in Indonesia nowadays is not comparable with the amount of labor, causing high levels of unemployment in the country. This situation has become one of the challenges that must be faced in order to pursue the country’s development in a better direction. The government has rightly acknowledged the need to increase its efforts to reduce unemployment levels by creating new jobs or promoting entrepreneurship. The purpose of this research was to explore the influence of the antecedents of entrepreneurial intention among students of Airlangga University. The research used survey methods in relation to 68 student participants in the WEBS activity unit in the Faculty of Economics and Business at Airlangga University. Using a partial least square statistical tool (SmartPLS 2.0, SmartPLS GmbH, Boenningstedt, Germany), the results of the study showed that individual skills aligned with attitudes towards entrepreneurial behavior, perceived environmental dynamism aligned with perceived entrepreneurial behavior control, attitudes towards entrepreneurial behavior aligned with entrepreneurial intentions, and subjective norms aligned with entrepreneurial intentions in positive and statistically significant relationships. However, although the relationships between perceived environmental support and perceived entrepreneurial behavior control, and perceived entrepreneurial behavior control and entrepreneurial intentions were positive, they were not statistically significant.