This article investigates the role that negative brand name (as in Rawon Setan, the name of a restaurant meaning ‘Satanic’) and product quality play in influencing brand attitude and intention to buy, with religiosity as the moderator variable. This study uses quantitative research based on a survey. The data was collected from questionnaires distributed to 200 sample respondents. The respondents were students in the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, during April 2016. The respondents were aged between 17-22 years and were all familiar with Rawon Setan Restaurant. The analysis uses PLS (Partial Least Square). This is a study to investigate brand name with negative impact from an Islamic perspective, and how it can influence intention to buy with religiosity as the moderator variable. The influence of negative brand name is still largely unexplored. The hypotheses are: Religiosity strengthens the relationship between negative brand name with brand attitude; Religiosity strengthens the relationship between negative brand name with intention to buy; Product quality has a positive effect on brand attitude; Product quality has a positive effect on the intention to buy; and brand attitude has a positive effect on the intention to buy.