The problem of the home has always been a social issue of utmost importance. Home is one of the priority needs for men, to be sanctioned as a right in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). Housing and the right related to it are the assumptions for many aspects of life, work, family, health, physical security and well-being. The possibility of exploiting this right conflicts with various issues related to legislation and programming of development’s processes and anthropization of the territory. These circumstances have always influenced the idea of home that reaches to this day as a certain and consolidated axiom over time. However, the society is currently undergoing profound changes. So, how does the paradigm of the past combine with the needs of contemporaneity? This paper intends to describe, from what we could call the prodomi, the evolution of the dwelling model until today. The intention is not to start from origins of the house but to go through some fundamental steps that have led to the formation of the great building heritage, gave shape to the Italian cities, to arrive, if possible, to the analysis of the needs of contemporary life and its housing model reference.