The proposed text summarises the research conducted by the Department of Science of Civil Engineering and Architecture on the theme of enhancement of tissues and urban areas through the recovery of the history, of the identity and at least of the architecture. The study is carried out by analysing several case studies in the area of the Apulian Murgia (inner area of the province of Bari) with a particular focus on the site of Altamura, key cities in this territory. The research work has been articulated since the architectural, urban and landscape restoration for the cultural enhancement of the site.

The first operation was the recognition of the heritage that is spread throughout the country and largely out of the urban area. It is characterised by values of different nature: natural heritage, landscape, environmental, heritage related to the world of traditional products of the territory and eventually linked to the artistic activity.

It is often very difficult to put in relation these goods, but, without a connection net, the goods are not able to produce sufficient attraction for autonomous self-maintenance.