The success or failure of most research depends on access – be it access to data, access to the research site or access to respondents. Without access there is no research, or the research is limited in scope and depth. Gaining access and maintaining access is an essential feature of social research, regardless of the type of research. Gatekeepers are the individuals who ensure access. Their assent and support can ensure the success of the research, but they can also create restrictions and limitations. The chapter will explore the process of gaining access and negotiating with gatekeepers, using the author’s experience of conducting research in a prison environment. This knowledge and awareness of the importance of gatekeepers is essential for researchers. Therefore the purpose of this chapter is to highlight and emphasise the role of gatekeepers when conducting social research. The challenges faced in dealing with gatekeepers are discussed in relation to a research study conducted in Irish prisons. The value of this chapter is in its discussion of how gatekeepers can impact on a research study and its illumination of strategies that can be used to gain access to participants.