The demonstrators carried placards with disparate grievances, including anger at the Electoral College for electing Donald Trump over the popular vote, opposition to bigotry and hate, concerns the rights of minority groups, and anxiety about the future of democracy. This chapter examines anti-Trump protests following the 2016 election. Some of the anti-Trump protests were motivated by opposition to plutocracy. The Trump administration is the most economically elitist in modern history. Like the protests immediately following Trump’s election, the Women’s March was eclectic. In February 2017, Trump issued an executive order mandating a 90-day travel ban against seven Muslim-majority countries: Iran, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen. Demonstrations against Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns and the March(es) for Science across the country were both economically focused. Activists demanded Trump demonstrate openness in his finances, allowing citizens to assess whether he retained conflicts of interest in his business ties with other countries.