Abstract ................................................................................................. 310 15.1 Introduction ................................................................................ 310 15.2 Materials and Methodology ....................................................... 313 15.3 Results and Discussion............................................................... 315 15.4 Conclusions ................................................................................ 333 Keywords .............................................................................................. 333 References ............................................................................................. 334


I. V. Michurin All-Russia Research Institute for Horticulture. Russian Academy of Sciences, 30, Michurin St., Michurinsk, Tambov Region, Russia, 393774

*Corresponding author. E-mail: berrys-m@mail.ru


The chapter presents a comprehensive assessment for adaptive and productive potential of black currant cultivars bred in I. V. Michurin AllRussian Scientific Research Institute of Certification [now I. V. Michurin Federal Scientific Center (I. V. Michurin FSC)]. It was stated that ‘Zeljonaja dymka’, ‘Talisman’, ‘Tamerlan’, ‘Chernavka’, and ‘Shalun’ja’ cultivars are characterized by standardly good and excellent plant state. The plant state was greatly affected by plant age (r = – 0.63) but not by sum of the temperatures of the previous period (r = 0.35). The cultivars were grouped by the initial flowering dates. Early blooming cultivars are ‘Divo Zvjaginoj’, ‘Karmelita’, ‘Sensej’, and ‘Shalun’ja’. The medium-blooming cultivars are ‘Zeljonaja dymka’, ‘Izumrudnoe ozherel’je’, ‘Malen’kij princ’, ‘Prima’, ‘Rossiyanka’, ‘Sozvezdie’, ‘Talisman’, ‘Charovnica’, ‘Chernavka’, and ‘Chjornyi zhemchug’; medium-late flowering cultivars are ‘Bagira’, ‘Vospominanie’, ‘Pandora’, ‘Tamerlan’, ‘Tat’janin den’’, and ‘Elevesta’; and late blooming cultivar is ‘Amirani’. The complex resistance to fungal diseases was found in the ‘Malen’kij princ’, ‘Pandora’, ‘Tamerlan’, and ‘Chernavka’ cultivars and to mites in the ‘Amirani’, ‘Izumrudnoe ozherel’je’, ‘Karmelita’, ‘Prima’, ‘Rossiyanka’, and ‘Sensej’ cultivars. The most plastic black currant cultivars are Chernavka, Malen’kij princ’, and ‘Zeljonaja dymka’, on the whole, according to 2000-2016 period of investigations; they are characterized by high productivity, namely 9.7 ± 0.6, 9.2 ± 0.6, and 9.1 ± 0.6 t/ha, respectively.