The color visuals are representations of particular moments in the mix. In order to represent a true mixing process, they would be flashing on and off to the music. Generally a pretty busy electronica mix with an 808 boom loud and out front. Especially unique is the doubling of the hi-synth with another instrument. The super high strings are flanged for a subtle, spacey effect. Generally a pretty clean, clear, out front blues mix. The piano is set further back a bit in the mix, but is spread in complete stereo. The rap mix commonly has the 808 boom boom’n and a loud vocal. The key, guitar, and scratch’n are all spread in stereo with fattening. Generally, the new age mix is extremely full with nothing too sharp or cutting. Quite full with lots of fattening and overlapping sounds. The lead guitar is spread in stereo with a rhythm guitar behind it and another stereo guitar in the background.