The IRC's work then proceeded on various fronts. It began to look at ways of strengthening competition with General Electric Company (GEC)-English Electric (EE) on particular activities; it attempted to make peace between GEC and Plessey; and it continued to look at possible rationalisation in other areas of the industry. The bid did, however, succeed in bringing to a very rapid conclusion discussions which had only recently started between GEC, EE and the Industrial Reorganisation Corporation (IRC) and which had seemed likely to be much more protracted. In July, Weinstock had attended a meeting at the IRC's office in Pall Mall to consider a rearrangement of the nuclear power consortia. Weinstock told them that a start had been made on combining GEC and Associated Electrical Industries but that he could see that the whole jigsaw could be put together much more sensibly if GEC also had the EE pieces to fit into it.