The Benin kingdom's art has inspired frank admiration for centuries in what is Nigeria and around the globe. The discrepancy between the available evidence and the conventional dating of the plaque corpus is indicative of the state of Benin studies. Benin art presents a powerful court in ivory and bronze, testifying to the kings' military might, royal splendor and international connections. The sheer number of plaques and the immense size of the assemblage must have been impressive for local courtiers, foreign ambassadors, and traders alike. The assembled plaques cover more than 1,130 square feet; there were at least 850 extant plaques in the full corpus, which can be grouped into two size categories: wide and narrow. The long-standing dominance of aesthetic principles in the aesthetic tradition will be used as evidence when attempting a reconstruction of the plaque corpus. The chapter also presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in this book.